Saturday, July 2, 2016


Repeater  installation  notes To  achieve  optimum  operation  from  your  ESI  Cordless  Handset  II Repeater: •  Place  the  Repeater  at  least  six feet  off  the ground so it  has a clear  line-of-sight. •  Make sure  the Repeater  has  good  reception from  the  base  station (or  Repeater  to  which it  is   daisy-chained). •  Make sure  the Repeater  location  is  close to  a  standard 120  VAC power  outlet. •  Never install  electrical  cords across  traffic  areas  where they  can cause a tripping  hazard  (additionally, such cords,  if  damaged,  may create  fire  or  electrical  hazards). •  Allow  at  least  35  feet  between Repeaters. If you  install Repeaters  across  multiple  floors, be  sure  to  allow  35 feet  vertically, too. •  Install  the Repeater  away from  sources of  electrical  interference.  Examples include  audio systems, office equipment,  and microwave ovens. •  Install  the Repeater  away from  heat  sources  and  direct  sunlight. •  Install  the Repeater  away from  items that  can interfere with  radio signals.  Examples  include  metal doors,  thick walls,  niches,  and cupboards. In case of trouble If  you have  followed  the  guidelines  described herein  and  still  encounter  problems with  ESI  Cordless  Handsets, please  call  ESI  Technical  Support  at  800 491-3609  or  e-mail to  When  contacting ESI  Technical  Support,  be  sure  to  have  as  much  of  the following site  and  usage  information as  possible: •  Square footage  of  the  building. •  Layout  of  building/offices,  and locations  of  base  stations  and repeaters.  This  can  be  a  hand-drawn diagram  with  locations  of  base  stations (you  can fax it  to  ESI  at  972 422-9705; be  sure  to  indicate  that  it goes to  Technical  Support).  The  objective is  to  give the  ESI  technician  an idea  of  the site’s  layout. •  Number of  Cordless  Handsets,  whether  they  are  Cordless  Handsets  II  or  original  Cordless  Handsets,  and how  many  are  of  each type (digital,  Local  IP,  or  Remote  IP). •  How the troublesome Cordless  Handset  is  being  used.  For  example,  is  it  used  by  a  supervisor  who travels the  entire area  of  the  building many times per  day,  or  by an  administrative  assistant  to  go  a  short  distance from  an  office  to  a  copy  room? •  Where the problem  occurs  —  e.g.,  if  a  Cordless Handset  cuts  in  and out  when used  in  a certain area  of the building.

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